The latest logistic News

Connectivity within the supply chain

Connectivity within the supply chain   Data exchange and automation are game-changing trends in society as a whole but also within the logistics sector. New concepts, such as digital connectivity, interconnection and interoperability, have emerged as disruptive technologies. Your business needs to be efficient and agile to flourish in the ever-changing logistics sector. With hybrid…

Portals: for an integrated supply chain

Portals: for an integrated Supply Chain   Within the logistics industry, the already substantial requirements and standards are continuously rising. Here at Adaption, we understand this like no other. Communication between supply chain partners increases rapidly. In the past, all communication happened via e-mail or telephone. But these days, the involvement of Portals is growing,…

5 ways to reduce logistic costs

5 ways to reduce logistic costs!   Logistic activities is a fast-growing expense for shippers. In reality, these expenses are effortlessly reduced, for example, by automating the most common logistic processes. For manufacturers, these are usually the expenses that come with outsourced transports, repeatedly e-mailing and time spend on the telephone, manual data input and…

The logistics trends of 2019

What will 2019 bring for the logistics sector? Will robots take over more of our work and what role does Adaption’s technoligy choices have in general? Will the job market still have issues with the shortage of employees or will this change? Will there be something done about the craziness around ordering and delivering? And…

Research into the usability of the logistics software

Research into the usability of the logistics software Usability of the logistics software becomes more important. During the ICT & Logistics we did research into the important points that have to do with the use of logistics software. This research showed that speed, the number of bugs and ease of use are the most important…

5 digitalisation tips for shippers

5 digitalisation tips for shippers Lately the logistics sector is paying more attention on digitalisation. Research done by Evofenedex shows that 80% of logistics managers think that data and digitalisation become more important for the future of logistics companies. Even though it turns out that managers give their own digitalisation and use of data a…

Hoyer Group, When it matters

Big Data for container maintenance

    Always stay informed on our latest news The HOYER Group has replaced their previous M&R (Maintenance & Repair) system with the new M&R module of Adaption. The software ensures that HOYER can analyze and predict the tank container M&R activities by using big data. Big Data for container maintenance International logistic service provider HOYER,…